Dr C. L. Venkata Rao
Above all a humanist concerned by the wellbeing of mankind, Dr C.L. Venkata Rao, after an extraordinary medical career, is dedicating himself to serve his country, India, and his state, Andhra Pradesh as a respected politician in one of the most senior positions of a state government. As a medical doctor he has been trained in India with exposer in England, France, Japan, Malaysia as well as in project collaborations at WHO. A reputed surgeon, head of department, professor, active researcher with numerous publications, author of various books and organizer of numerous conferences, recognized for his work through significant awards, he has turned to politics in order to have more impact in serving the causes for which he is engaged. .

This is why beside his role as a Deputy Chief Minister he continues to give free consultations to patients, acts in medical organisations and has created the Progressive Trust for Matrimony to help people overcome society related matrimonial hurdles..

He is convinced that traditional medical systems can greatly contribute to global health and is actively engaged in promoting Ayurveda as a medical system in Andhra Pradesh and India with the vision of globalisation of Ayurveda as India’s legacy to mankind. .